Verband Druck | Medien Österreich - Druck Medien Tag 2023

12 Oct-13 Oct 2023
Visit Verband Druck | Medien Österreich - Druck Medien Tag 2023

The print and media industry is in urgent need of skilled workers. At the Druck Medien Tag, experts and entrepreneurs will provide impulses and insights for recruiting, managing, and retaining employees.

A shortage of skilled workers is a fact, and it affects most companies. The print and media industry is also in urgent need of skilled workers. However, there are companies that seem to possess a magic touch, attracting new employees effortlessly and earning a reputation as top employers. What do these companies and their managers do differently?

At the Druck Medien Tag 2023, experts and entrepreneurs will provide impulses and insights for recruiting, managing, and retaining employees.

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