Agfa Graphics announces recognition as 'Vendor of the Year'

by FESPA | 26/10/2017
Agfa Graphics announces recognition as 'Vendor of the Year'

Agfa Graphics has recently been recognised as Vendor of the Year by Independent Printers Worldwide’s (IPW).

Steve Musselman, Agfa Graphics’ senior corporate account executive, was also recognised with the Daniel Guinette Memorial National Account Manager of the Year - 2017. Awards were handed out during a special ceremony held at the IPW Presidents’ Meeting in Chicago, USA.

Agfa Graphics has been a strategic partner of IPW since the organisation’s inception 19 years ago and is a founding member of the Platinum Elite Group. Agfa and the IPW management team work closely to create, implement and communicate programmes that bring valuable, new procurement solutions to members.

"Your steadfast support of IPW and your leadership role in preserving and promoting the landscape of independent printing while bringing unparalleled value to our members make these awards well-earned and well-deserved," said IPW founder and president Dan Bendele. "We congratulate Agfa and Musselman for their hard work and dedication to IPW."

Agfa Graphics has been instrumental in helping IPW members drive out waste in production, improve productivity and for those looking to diversify, make the shift from traditional printing to digital inkjet printing.

Agfa has recently acquired UK-based software developer and reseller Bodoni Systems.

The deal completed around two months ago and since then, Agfa engineers have been working to integrate Bodoni’s pressSign software into Agfa’s Apogee workflow portfolio. 

"The software technology of Bodoni fits perfectly the strategy of Agfa Graphics, to reward its offset plate customers with value-added software products that improve cost of ownership,” commented newly appointed Agfa UK managing director Eddie Williams.

“Especially in the pressroom, the Bodoni technology will allow Agfa plate customers to improve efficiency and save money, matching the idea behind Agfa's Eco3 approach.”

Along with pressSign, Bodoni also provides colour consultancy and sells colour management and calibration solutions. 

All 11 of Bodoni’s staff have been retained, with Ian Reid remaining as managing director, and the business is now actively recruiting one or two more staff. 

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