
Avery Dennison aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

by FESPA | 10/05/2021
Avery Dennison aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

Materials supplier Avery Dennison has set out a strategy to be net-zero on greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as part of its ongoing commitment to becoming a more environmentally friendly business.

The strategy features a series of key goals and aims, including a pledge for all core film and paper product categories globally to contain recycled or renewable content, as well as all of its regions to have labels that enable the circularity of plastics.
Avery Dennison also announced a number of targets that it will aim to reach by 2030. These are set out under three wider sustainability goals, including delivering innovations that will advance the circular economy; reducing the environmental impact in operations and supply chain; and making a positive social impact by improving the livelihoods of people and communities.
The 2030 targets also include the labels and graphic materials business procuring paper exclusively from responsibly managed forests to help ensure a deforestation-free future.
This work will see the supplier continue to invest in industry collaborations like CELAB – an organisation that works towards a circular economy for labels – in order to promote and deliver matrix and liner recycling globally.
In addition, Avery Dennison will engage with many direct suppliers on their environmental and social practices that impact water, human rights, fair business, forestry and similar interests.
“Meeting our 2030 ambitions will be the greatest test yet of our capacity to innovate, as well as an invaluable opportunity to position our business for lasting success,” said Renae Kezar, senior director for global sustainability for label and graphic materials at Avery Dennison.
“We are proud to have exceeded our 2025 goal for reducing absolute GHG emissions, and we are making steady progress on our other sustainability commitments.”
Other key green pledges by Avery Dennison include reducing emissions by 70% against its 2015 baseline, as well as working with its supply chain to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 30% against its 2018 baseline, with the overall goal of producing net-zero emissions by 2050.
Aside from sustainability and environmental targets, Avery Dennison will also work towards a number of diversity, employee engagement and inclusion, and safety goals between now and 2030.
“With our 2030 goals, we’re expanding our focus to make an even greater difference,”Kezar said. “Since establishing our original sustainability goals, we’ve gained a greater understanding of where our business overlaps with the world’s most urgent environmental challenges — and importantly, the areas where we can, and will, lead.”

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