Domino chooses Xaar printhead for new outer case coders

by FESPA | 31/07/2017
Domino chooses Xaar printhead for new outer case coders

The Xaar 502 GS15 O printhead has been chosen as the technology for the new 70mm C6000+ variant of the Domino C-Series Plus piezo drop-on-demand outer case coders.

The printhead, which was unveiled last November, offers OEMs with quick and reliable high quality solution for coding and marking by integrating PrecisionPlus and TF Technology innovations of Xaar.

The C6000+, the largest variant in Domino’s C-Series Plus range, is a high-resolution, large-character printer that is used to mark porous and semi-porous substrates – such as cardboard boxes, trays, and bags – for identification, traceability and graphic personalisation.

The machine is capable of printing TrueType fonts, graphics and GS1 compliant barcodes and provides a maximum print height of 70mm, making it suitable for direct coding onto outer case packaging.

The Xaar 502 GS15 O printhead uses PrecisionPlus, cutting-edge piezoelectric actuator design, to provide accurate drop placement, long throw distance and enhanced stability and robustness.

With its optimised nozzle guard to support automated maintenance routines, the 502 GS15 O is suitable for use in harsh, demanding coding and marking environments.

The TF Technology can be run in either full through flow mode or pulsed mode. This optional mode recirculates ink behind the nozzles during non-printing periods, which is said to ensure maximum reliability and performance, high energy efficiency and a long lifespan.

The printhead is also compatible with a range of oil-based inks including black mineral oil-free (MOF) SunJet IK822, that provides high quality and optical density on a suite of porous and semi-porous substrates.

This ink is designed for use on secondary packaging and its key benefits are its handling safety and its capacity for easy breakdown during recycling.

Domino Printing Sciences OCC product manager Andy Barrett said: “Our customers look for consistently high-quality codes, reliable performance and high uptime. For our C6000+ printer, the new Xaar 502 printhead delivers on all accounts.”

Xaar senior product manager Simon Kirk said: “In the Xaar 502 GS15 O, which provides consistent high-resolution and excellent reliability, we have the premium piezo inkjet coding and marking solution. The printhead provides coding and marking OEMs with a range of benefits unparalleled in the industry.”

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