Kodak integrates PerfectPattern's sPrint One Technology

by FESPA | 06/11/2017
Kodak integrates PerfectPattern's sPrint One Technology

Munich-based PerfectPattern announced that Kodak has integrated the sPrint One technology developed by PerfectPattern into its Prinergy Cloud Services.

The announcement says that based on innovative algorithms and leveraging artificial intelligence, sPrint One makes the planning of print jobs a snap, combining capacity planning and sheet optimisation. 

The launch of the new Prinergy offering, called ‘Dynamic Print Planning,’ is the result of a strategic partnership of Kodak and PerfectPattern that began in the middle of last year.

sPrint One's aims to automate the production of a detailed manufacturing plan and a cost optimized set of print ready production layouts, which is now integrated into the Prinergy workflow.

The system takes into account all factors likely to influence the outcome as well as the complexity of their relationships – including the printing machines in use as well as the materials, colours, costs and deadlines.

“What previously took hours of mostly manual work can now be done in a few moments,” says Robert Meissner, PerfectPattern’s managing director – Product Management. “This enables printing houses of any size to bring efficiency and quality to an unmatched level.”

According to Meissner, sPrint One makes it very easy and efficient to calculate large job pools. It also provides the flexibility to respond quickly to changing production requirements.

“PerfectPattern distributes its sPrint One technology exclusively through technology and sales partners,” says Fabian Rüchardt, managing director – Business Development at PerfectPattern. “We are very pleased that with Kodak we have found one of the leading providers of solutions for the printing industry as our first global partner.”

“The industry is moving toward smaller, more frequent print runs which create margin and delivery challenges for print service providers,” said Allan Brown, vice president and general manager of Kodak’s Unified Workflow Solutions.

“The Prinergy Cloud Services new Dynamic Print Planning capabilities provide them [capability] to produce a greater number of orders with the same resources. By eliminating potential human errors from the project planning process, this offering can reduce 40% of the laboUr costs per project and dramatically increase an operation’s agility.”

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