Interior printing

Recover and find your way forward – trends from the FESPA Global Summit 2021

by FESPA | 09/06/2021
Recover and find your way forward – trends from the FESPA Global Summit 2021

Early in January 2021, FESPA hosted its first virtual Global Summit, bringing together some of the world’s leading printers to connect, learn and debate about the future of the speciality print industry. Here is an overview of the presentations and discussions. Watch allt he recordings of all the Global Summit sessions via the below links.

Together with a line-up of expert presenters, the Summit explored several trends and areas of focus that are set to shape our print community in the year ahead as we emerge from the global COVID pandemic.
In this article, we’ve compiled an overview of the Summit presentations and discussions, and you can also watch recordings of all the Global Summit sessions via the below links.  
At a time when human connection is minimised, it has never been more important to engage with customers and employees alike. Without engagement, businesses risk poor performance. In his presentation, Paddy Moran, owner of Neuro Coach Ireland, gives you tips on how to strengthen your communication skills, cultivate respect within your workplace and build a sense of belonging.
Anna Gapinska, CEO of Think Customer demonstrated how to re-focus your business on the print buyer in 2021 and beyond. Using her method of customer journey mapping, you can analyse all customer touchpoints to hone your marketing and sales processes to improve efficiency.
Do you know what your customers want now and what they will want in the future? In this video, you can immerse yourself in your own customer’s experience with Tom Hawkins, Global Managing Director of GLIMMA as he explains how you can sell what is in demand, and not just what you want to sell.  
The surge in demand for personalised lifestyle and interior décor presents endless exciting opportunities for micro design brands. Using today’s digital print technologies, it’s possible to print on almost anything. In this session, FESPA’s Textile Ambassador, Debbie McKeegan was joined by Ross Haxton, Brand Director at GLIMMA and Annette Taylor-Anderson, Creative Director at ATA Designs to discuss how digital print-on-demand can carve new growth opportunities in the décor market.  
As a printer, what steps can you take to sustainably rebuild your business after the pandemic? FESPA Vice President and CEO at ATC, Christophe Aussenac was joined by sustainability consultant Clare Taylor and Nathan Swinson-Bullough, Director of Imageco to discuss the necessary changes that must be adopted by all businesses, regardless of size, to reduce carbon emissions.
René de Heij, CEO of Probo NL and Erik Strik, CEO of Print Factory shared their own automation stories, highlighting the opportunities presented by web-to-print and e-commerce in commercial print operations and how both can pave the way for future growth opportunities.
Shifts in the marketing landscape caused by society-wide digitalisation and the increasing use of e-commerce mean that consumer needs are changing. Rafael Pelote, Head of Marketing Intelligence at SONAE SIERRA and Massimo Volpe, co-founder of Retail Hub took a closer look at how marketing touchpoints have evolved and how print can respond to these changes.
Throughout 2021, as we adapt to continuous change, these presentations will be an invaluable source of insight and practical business and technology advice. We all know that the coming year will bring new challenges. As ever, FESPA is here to support you, giving you direction and guidance on how to be resilient and plan your recovery.
Watch all the FESPA Global Summit 2021 videos, visit here. 
FESPA Global Summit is supported by FESPA Profit for Purpose - a structured international reinvestment programme, that uses revenues from FESPA events to support the global speciality print and visual communications community to achieve sustainable and profitable growth.

For more information on FESPA’s Profit for Purpose programme, visit



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