Tomorrow's World

7 ways AI will transform the printing industry

by FESPA Staff | 25/06/2024
7 ways AI will transform the printing industry

We are only just beginning to understand the numerous ways AI can help printers. From automation to sustainability, we take a look at 7 key ways you can utilise AI for your business.

The print industry, like many other sectors, is undergoing a significant transformation driven by incredibly rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). For print professionals, AI, used right, offers numerous benefits that can streamline operations, enhance quality, reduce costs and improve sustainability.

AI’s integration into the print industry is an ongoing journey, and there may be some obstacles along the way as some people adopt and use it quicker than others. Yet the advancements we have seen so far indicate that staying ahead of these trends can not only make your operations more efficient but also provide a competitive edge in a market where customer expectations are continually rising. Here, we explore seven ways AI can revolutionise the print industry in practical, actionable ways.

1. Automation of routine tasks

One of the most significant applications of AI in the print industry is the automation of routine tasks. AI-powered systems can handle repetitive jobs that take up a lot of your and your team’s time, such as sorting, organising and managing print jobs. This not only speeds up the production process but also frees up human resources to focus on more complex and creative tasks.

For instance, AI can automate the process of managing print queues, assigning tasks based on priority, even reordering supplies automatically when they run low. This reduces the need for manual oversight and intervention, allowing you to focus on more strategic activities. In other words, by using AI-driven workflow automation tools, you can reduce manual labour, increase productivity and allow your team to concentrate on the good stuff.

2. Cost savings through predictive maintenance

AI can reduce downtime and maintenance costs by predicting when equipment is likely to fail. Predictive maintenance systems use AI algorithms to analyse data from machinery and identify patterns that precede equipment failures. This allows for timely maintenance before issues become critical, avoiding costly disruptions.

How does it do it? AI can monitor variables such as temperature, vibration and sound in printing equipment. By analysing this data, it can predict when a part is likely to wear out or fail, allowing for proactive maintenance scheduling. This reduces the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns, reduces times when you can’t work and also extends the lifespan of the equipment.

3. Improved print quality

AI enhances print quality by optimising various parameters in real-time. For example, advanced image recognition and processing algorithms can detect and correct errors in the printing process, ensuring consistent output. AI can also step in to adjust colour balance, contrast and other settings to achieve the best possible results.

AI systems can analyse the output quality of prints and make immediate adjustments to maintain consistency. This ensures that each print job meets the highest standards without the need for constant human oversight and time-consuming quality control. Even better, AI can learn from past print jobs to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of future tasks.

4. Waste reduction and sustainability

Sustainability is a growing concern in the print industry, and AI can play a crucial role in helping you to reduce waste. AI algorithms can optimise material usage, along the way minimising the amount of paper, fabric, ink and other resources consumed. AI can also help in designing more efficient print layouts, reducing waste during the production process.

By using AI tools, you can automate something as simple as the nesting of print jobs on large sheets of paper, ensuring minimal waste. It can also adjust print settings to use the least amount of ink necessary while still maintaining the desired quality. These small adjustments can lead to significant reductions in waste over time. That helps with sustainability, but it also helps with costs and profitability.

5. AI-powered analytics

Data is a valuable asset in the print industry, and AI-powered analytics can provide deeper insights into various aspects of your operations. It can quickly analyse large datasets to identify trends, customer preferences and areas where you might be inefficient. This information can guide everything from your next marketing campaign to process improvements.

AI can dig deep into customer order patterns to forecast demand and thereby help with inventory management. It can also identify inefficiencies in production processes and suggest improvements. It can even get granular on your marketing activity to see what works and when. By leveraging these insights, print businesses can operate more effectively. It’s a key benefit of AI – the ability to get actionable insights from your data.

6. Personalised marketing and customer engagement

Personalisation is key to effective marketing, and AI excels in creating tailored experiences. By analysing customer data, AI can generate bespoke content and recommendations, improving customer engagement and satisfaction. In the print industry, this can mean direct mail with the ‘personal touch’, customised marketing materials and more.

AI can analyse data such as purchase history, browsing behaviour and demographic information to create laser-targeted marketing campaigns. This level of personalisation can increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, boost revenue and improve customer loyalty.

7. Intelligent document processing

AI has the ability to transform how documents are processed, enabling faster and more accurate handling of large volumes of information. Intelligent document processing (IDP) systems use AI to read, interpret and organise data from documents, reducing the need for manual data entry and cutting down on errors.

AI tools can automatically extract relevant information from invoices, orders and shipping documents, then input it into your systems. This increases the speed and accuracy of data processing, and again frees up your time and that of your team for more creative work. 

AI isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a potentially transformative technology that offers tangible benefits for the print industry. AI can help print professionals boost and refine their operations and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. For print professionals, embracing AI means more than just staying up-to-date with tech trends. It’s about unlocking new efficiencies, improving customer satisfaction and positioning your business for future success.


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