Landa to ship three beta presses this year

by FESPA | 07/04/2017
Landa to ship three beta presses this year

Landa Digital Printing has revealed the identity of the firm that will be the site of its first beta installation along with details of its first three beta customers.

First shipment of the Landa S10 Nanographic press will take place in July 2017 at Israeli packaging specialist Graphica Bezalel, in what will be the offset printer’s first digital press.

In November 2017, Landa will ship North America’s first Landa S10 Nanographic Press to Imagine!, a US-based leader of point-of-purchase solutions.

In December 2017, Edelmann, the German-headquartered world leader of high-quality and innovative board and paper packaging solutions, will become the first European beta customer for the Landa S10 Nanographic Printing Press.

Graphica Bezalel, first Landa S10 beta customer

As a traditional offset print house, Graphica Bezalel has selected the Landa S10 Nanographic Press as its first digital solution, affording it the unique competitive advantage of high-speed, high-quality digitally printed folding carton production.

Director Eyal Harpak described it as "the first technology to tempt us into the world of digital print." The firm prints for leading brands and brand owners, and lists Nestlé, Unilever, Marks & Spencer, Coca-Cola, Tesco and Asda among its customers.  

"With the incredible color palette provided by the Nanographic printing process - colors that really stand out - customers will be excited with what the Landa S10 has to offer. Through increased production flexibility, the Landa S10 provides a unique ability to both reduce inventory costs through shorter runs, respond quicker to customer needs, as well as increase the ability to version with customized packaging and special promotions,” concludes Eyal Harpak.

Landa and Graphica Bezalel plan to hold a worldwide customer open house event during the week of September 12, 2017.

Imagine! – North America’s first Landa S10 beta customer

Simultaneous to the announcement of the first beta site location, Landa confirmed that point-of-sale and instore signage specialist Imagine!, based in Minnesota, is scheduled to install its beta press in November, and will be the first firm in the US to receive a press. 

“We bought this press because of Benny Landa’s track record in developing innovative, industry-changing technology,” says Imagine! founder Bob Lothenbach. "We don’t usually chase technology trends, however we believe in Nanography and want to be instrumental in the digital-for-mainstream revolution."

"Nanography is the first digital printing solution with the format sizes and speeds that will let us migrate our applications away from offset. The reduced setup costs and improved turnaround times will bring substantial growth to our business.”

Edelmann – Europe’s first Landa S10 beta customer

And the first European beta installation is slated for December, at Germany-headquartered packaging group Edelmann.

Technical director Oliver Sattel commented: “Brands are actively looking to streamline their operations to remain lean and efficient, but not at the expense of product quality or price. The Landa S10 delivers this. It removes the previous barriers of minimum order quantities with money tied-up in unnecessary printed stock and storage."

"This represents unprecedented flexibility that will interest not only our customers’ procurement departments, but their creative teams too. We already have lots of interest for this new service, and are confident that Landa is the right partner and Nanography the only technology to deliver this capability.” 

All the beta sites will receive the straight printing B1-format S10 press, which prints at 6,500sph. The high-speed version, which will be available as a field upgrade at some point in the future, will print at 13,000sph. There is not yet an official timescale for the perfecting S10P model, aimed at commercial printers. 

Landa chairman Benny Landa added: “I am thrilled that after many years of development, we are now reaching the milestone of delivering our first Landa Nanographic Printing Presses to customers. We are very proud that these industry leaders, and others who share their vision, have chosen to become our beta partners in this program."

"It’s exciting to think that in only a matter of months we will see Nanographic print in the market, representing a paradigm shift in print economics and empowering brands like never before,” concluded Benny Landa.

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