
The Power of AI: How it Influences Gen Z's Preference for Personalised Products

by Joanna Ziemianska | 20/02/2024
The Power of AI: How it Influences Gen Z's Preference for Personalised Products

Joanna Ziemianska, Marketing Specialist at Printbox discusses the possibilities that can be achieved with AI. She also shares how the introduction of AI has impacted Gen Z's prefernce for personalised products. Specific markets where personalisation makes a difference with Gen Z includes apparel, home decor and gifts and gadgets.

AI has revolutionized various industries, but its impact on Gen Z's preference for personalized products is particularly noteworthy. As the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, Gen Z is receptive to personalized experiences boosted by AI. This shift in lifestyle raises the question of whether it opens up new perspectives for personalized product business owners.

A new trend is already here

Engage with every dimension of life as AI reshapes our world, transforming healthcare, finance, education, and the nuances of daily living. It's at the heart of breakthroughs from medical diagnoses to fraud detection, interpreting vast data to improve outcomes. AI is the invisible hand guiding virtual assistants, smart home technology, adaptive learning platforms, and the burgeoning reality of autonomous vehicles. With AI's reach expanding, its integration into everyday services is transitioning from a luxury to an inevitability.

This transformative power of AI has already sparked a new trend that's setting the pace for the future. It's redefining customer expectations across industries by delivering speed, convenience, and a level of personalization previously unattainable. Today's consumers, particularly Gen Z, are drawn to customization platforms enhanced by AI algorithms that offer many choices across a spectrum of product categories—from fashion and accessories to gadgets and home decor. These platforms are distinguished by their intuitive interfaces that empower users to unleash their creativity, transforming ordinary items into bespoke creations that resonate with their individuality.

Markets where personalization making a difference within Gen Z

The desire of Gen Z to express their individuality while staying connected with others is evident in their fashion choices. Apparel customization has become popular among young consumers, allowing them to showcase their style through everyday wear. AI-powered solutions have made this process more efficient, enabling users to design customized t-shirts, jackets, and other clothing items, enhancing self-expression.

Home Decor

Personalizing your home decor is now easier than ever, thanks to AI-driven platforms that offer various tools to create custom posters, canvases, and other decorative items. These personalized pieces add beauty to your living spaces and make them feel unique. As Gen Z consumers take pride in showcasing their artistic creations, these customized home decor items also help them establish their identity and belonging.

Gifts and gadgets

The market for personalized gifts has recently experienced a surge, catering to Gen Z's desires for thoughtful and meaningful presents. With the help of AI-driven customization platforms, users can now create personalized gifts such as photobooks, mugs, and bags, which resonate with the recipients on a personal level. This fosters deeper connections and appreciation. It was observed during the holiday season of 2023 that Gen Z constituted the most significant demographic purchasing personalized products. Fifty-two percent of them chose to craft their gifts.

Accessible and affordable

The rise of AI-driven customization has also democratized access to bespoke products, making personalized creations more accessible and affordable for Gen Z consumers. By leveraging AI algorithms to optimize production processes and reduce costs, customization platforms can offer personalized products at competitive prices, eliminating the premium traditionally associated with bespoke items. The affordability factor has further boosted the interest of Gen Z in customized products, enabling them to indulge in personalized items without exceeding their budgets.

Endless possibilities

The fusion of AI and customization has transformed how Gen Z engages with products, allowing them to unleash their creativity and showcase their individuality in unprecedented ways. From personalized fashion and gadgets to customized home decor, AI-driven platforms provide endless opportunities for Gen Z to craft products that genuinely reflect their identity. With 73% of Gen Z believing that self-expression is vital for their happiness, these platforms are poised to shape the future of consumerism by catering to the ever-evolving preferences of Gen Z and beyond.

Visit Printbox on stand 11-C11 at Personalisation Experience 2024 at the RAI Amsterdam, Netherlands from 19th - 22nd March 2024 and discover the latest innovations in personalisation. Visitors will have the opportunity to hear from leading minds and innovators sharing knowledge and experiences, see the latest developments and technology in personalised print solutions and network with those looking to help you grow your business. Register here to visit.


by Joanna Ziemianska Back to News

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