Sustainability Spotlight

Sustainability Spotlight offers informative and actionable advice around environmental best practice to allow businesses to make more sustainable and environmentally friendly choices for their business. FESPA speaks to industry experts about sustainability where you can discover business opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle materials and improve your knowledge.

Carbon Calculations

How to design for a circular economy in a linear world

How to design for a circular economy in a linear world

Laurel Brunner explains the challenges for businesses to prioritise circular economy when economies have evolved to be linear. Laurel shares examples of different businesses who are designing products that can suppor the circular economy. These include The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, DS Smith and Vilsund Blue A/S.

What are the environmental benefits of remote support?

What are the environmental benefits of remote support?

Laurel Brunner shares the various environmental benefits of remote support which include less waste, less halts to automated productions, reduced costs and more.

Why is The Global Reporting Initiative important for printers who work for large corporations?

Why is The Global Reporting Initiative important for printers who work for large corporations?

Laurel Brunner discusses the significance of The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for printers who work for large corporations and how print buyers require their media investments to align with corporate sustainability commitments and shareholder expectations.

How to make sustainable changes to your business by thinking globally and acting locally

How to make sustainable changes to your business by thinking globally and acting locally

Clare Taylor shares small changes and suggestions that businesses can make to improve their environmental impact. These include improving resource and energy efficiency, working with supply chains, preventing pollution and more.

FESPA achieves ISO certification for Sustainable Event Management 

FESPA achieves ISO certification for Sustainable Event Management 

FESPA is pleased to announce that it has achieved ISO 20121:2012 certification for Sustainable Event Management, an internationally recognised standard for implementing an effective and sustainable event management system.

How to make effective sustainable changes for your business

How to make effective sustainable changes for your business

FESPA has created Sustainability Spotlight to offer informative and actionable advice around environmental best practice to allow businesses to make more sustainable and environmentally friendly choices for their business. This article offers various guidelines for businesses to help them make sustainable business changes, access the full guidelines below.

How can air pollution impact the economy and individual businesses

How can air pollution impact the economy and individual businesses

Clare Taylor shares how the impacts of poor air quality can actually become a direct business concern and costly. Clare discusses how air pollution can considerably impact the econom and individual businesses.

Circular Economy, Sustainable Materials and Carbon FootPrinting

Circular Economy, Sustainable Materials and Carbon FootPrinting

Sustainability is a journey for all businesses and it is important for businesses to take into use sustainable materials, be aware of the UN SDGs, aim to become more circular and to ensure their business is carbon footprinting.

What is the first step printers should take when measuring carbon?

What is the first step printers should take when measuring carbon?

FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Dominic Harris, Co-Founder at CarbonQuota who advises printers how to start their carbon calculation journey which consists of Scope 1 and Scope 2 and to create a plan for reduction through to 2030. Dominic also describes how all businesses have an obligation to de-carbonise to climate change and must be financially committed.

What is the first step printers should take when measuring carbon?
Battle of the bottles

Battle of the bottles

Brands are seeking the perfect solution to package drinks and liquids but it might not exist… yet.

The search for sustainable packaging

The search for sustainable packaging

Nathan Tiller from CarbonQuota the ongoing war on plastic and other sustainable, fibre-based innovations. Life Cycle Assessments offer an objective view of the advantages and disadvantages of different materials.

The path from recyclable to recycled

The path from recyclable to recycled

"Touting your packaging as simply recyclable isn’t good enough (and could even be considered greenwashing). Brands must simplify and standardise to enable closed loops at scale so packaging is recycled."

Why is decarbonisation important to the industry?

Why is decarbonisation important to the industry?

FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Ali Khalili, CEO at Re-board about why decarbonisation is important to the industry, the main challenges businesses will face trying to reach net zero through carbon emissions reduction and how print businesses can get started the key priorities for maximising emissions reduction.

Why is decarbonisation important to the industry?